Wednesday, April 4, 2012


So, growing up my mom has always been really into politics. We always talk about our opinions on the current events happening in the world. Ever since coming to college I have slacked off. I do not really keep myself informed. I also feel dumber-if that is even possible- for not keeping up on the news, politics and what is happening in our world.
Unfortunately, most college students are like me. We do not care about the world. We only care about our own world within the colege community and what affects us directly. For this I feel shame. Shameful of myself and shameful for my generation. We need to start caring about all of the events that are happening around us.
Texas was hit with multiple tornados, Syria is having riots and destruction, and there are primary elections coming up. So many things that we should be interested in. We should want to get involved and know about these issues. We are the future no matter how much we disagree or do not want to be apart of it, we already are and need to accept that and decide how we are going to react to it.
I have been reacting by not caring and not being informed. But, no more! I make a pledge to make an effort to know what is happening locally, nationally, worldly, politcially and socially. I want to know what is happening other than what new music and films are out. I am going to expand my horizons and start to becoem cultured in the news.

Until next time....

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