Friday, March 9, 2012

KONY 2012

       Again we have a popularity contest again. Now it is tiem to help Africa again. Kony, has been around for years, why now do people take interest? Becasue it is a trending topic. I have known about Kony through the INVISIBLE CHILDREN organization. I am not surprised that once again since someone famous somewhere took a small interest, that now this has blown up. It will not stay trending for long though. People move on fast. Just like how the devastation from Hurricane Katrina has now miraculously gone away. No. there are still thousands whoa re homeless, have no belongings and everyone just left. What about the floods in Mississippi? No one even knew about them for awhile. They got no news coverage, and no famous person ever lifted a finger to show interest so no one cared about the thousands of people who were suffering.
        Haiti? Well, we were all so concerend about them for a month or two, but now nothing. Japan Earthquakes?         Yep. That's right nothing. Crickets. You could have heard a pin drop. I am not hear to say that we should all just care about every horrible thing that happens in the world and give to every single country or state or twon that soemthing horrible happens to. bad things are going to happen, thats life.        What i am trying to say is that people act self- righteous when they act like they care. In reality they do not car otherwise they would have cared before someone else did.
Why does our society not stand up when something is wrong? Why do we all step back into the shadows until someone else starts to care and then we realize that, oh ya, I do care about that isse, and no since someone else brought it up I can talk about it now?
        Also, why does the US find the need to stick our nose where we do not belong? We get invovled in other countries issue way too often and then we get in way too deep and have no idea how to get ourselves out of the situation. I support the US entirely. I am even considering joining the armed forces after finishing college. I believe that I am called to serve my country and do my part to help defend the land that I love, support and will always be a citizen of. However, we get involved too quickly sometimes. We need to keep a level head and asses the situation and then do what is best for our own country and not continue increasing our debt.
       How this got to politics I have no idea. Overall, I support helping those children who have yet to be captured and I support the fact that we are trying to have the country's government become back in control (Even though it is horrible to say, those children who are now in the armies are lost forever. They have been brainwashed and most cannot be helped. We must save the lives of those who will make a good impact on their country. They must be taken down in order for the country to move forward.) I want Kony, his troops, follwers and all to be taken down. I want peace for their country.
       But, we should aslo think about everything else that is happening in our world. We must take care of our own country in roder to help others. IF WE CANNOT HELP OURSELFS THEN HOW CAN WE HELP OTHERS? If we cannot get our own debt under control and lower the unemployment, how do we preach to others that democracy is the way to go? We look like hipocrites. Eventhough jobs and debt have nothing to do with democracy, it does indirectly. Are entire exsistence as a democratic country includes EVERYTHING  we do. We must be a good place and help our own states and people to help others effectively in other countries. We must lower the number of homeless, hungry, unemployed, as well as a medely of other problems we have (illegals, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, etc.)
       Those who have their heads stuck in the sand I feel sorry for. YOU NEED TO WAKE UP TO THE PROBLEMS OUR COUNTRY FACES!

That's all folks.
Sorry for the mini-rant.... Just some food for thought.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Farewell to a Great Entertainer...

It is such a shame to know the Davey Jones of The Monkees has passed. He was one of the first pioneers of an American Idol.

On another note,

I have bcome obssesed with the show Survivor. I watched the season before the current one now that is playing, One World. I could see myself really playing the game and maybe make it pretty far. All it is is a mental game and making sure that you are in shape and nimble. It seems like alot of fun and I hope that I can play it one day.

Today's blog is just random things since I really don't have a theme or topic today...

The other thing I am obsessed about lately is a YouTube channel called MyDamnChannel  and Daily Grace the host being on both Grace Helbig. She is so funny and she has so many signature littl moves that make her memeorable. This is what makes a signature movie, producer, director, actor or actress.